Grief and cortisol!

One of the challenges during my weight loss was grief.  I unexpectedly lost my sister in a tragic accident. I was overwhelmed with grief, responsibilities and travel.  I went days without any significant sustenance and then had “grief” food only at my disposal.  We all know the thoughtful casseroles filled with carbs, the snacks with unhealthy fats and the sugary sweets.  Honestly weight loss was not my priority, but I definitely didn't want to gain weight!   

I reached out to Anne and she explained that stress will increase my cortisol levels.  

What is cortisol? Cortisol is an essential hormone that affects almost every organ and tissue in your body. It plays many important roles, including regulating your body's stress response. Helping control your body's use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, or your metabolism. Suppressing inflammation. 

There are some foods that increase your cortisol levels: such as processed meats, high sugar foods, caffeine, and alcohol, can increase cortisol levels. Then there was the lack of sleep and honestly the lack of movement that would play a role as well.  I really just wanted to maintain during this time without gain. 

Well, I had a setback of course!  I just lost my best friend!  Some minimal things I was able to do during this time was movement.  Sleep was not coming no matter how many meditation practices I tried.  The motivation to make healthy meals was also not going to happen.  I was so grateful for the easy casseroles or the quick, but very bad for you, fast food options.  I just didn't want to have to think or make any decisions other than the hard ones I was already making.  I was able to move though!  I took my niece out for a hike.  I have always had a connection to the outdoors and thought taking her with me would bring us closer to my sisters memory.


This little bit helped.  In the initial month since her passing, I gained only 1 pound.  I was able to just stall the loss for a bit.  Then as we all know we start to slowly heal and move forward, and my weight loss journey got back on track.  I started sleeping better and obviously when I got home, I was able to go back to my good nutrition choices.   


So once again, Altranais Wellness and Anne Perry helped with my specific wellness journey and needs.  

Setbacks are nothing but a chance to re-evaluate your goals.   

It's so easy to give up during times of adversity, I am glad that this setback did not make me give up.  I just accepted the reality and moved forward again when I was in a better space.  


Kristen (GLP-1 user and Altranais Wellness client)  


The HOtel Towel fit!


What was the difference? Movement!